About Bristol Children’s Charity

It seems a very long time ago now since the Variety Club, in a drastic policy change, cast adrift its provincial networks, including Bristol.

Bristol Children's Charity was born to help disadvantaged children, under 16, in our city (although this has now been raised to 18). Our first venture was to collect toys at Christmas for half a dozen local children’s homes.

That brought us in touch with the Lord Mayor of the day – a link with the city’s first citizen that we retain and cherish. It made the television news and, with a sell-out Christmas lunch, we were launched.

In the early 70’s the premature baby unit at Southmead Hospital was desperately seeking a special piece of equipment to give a newborn the chance of life, for which we raised the £10,000 needed. Since then, we have helped thousands of youngsters, sometimes with equipment, other times with the end money to round off someone else’s fundraising.

We are unpaid volunteers doing our best for unfortunate children and that will never change. It is one very good reason why the local business community has got behind us and why the (late) Duchess of Beaufort and Terry Waite CBE became our Patrons.


Our Team

Jessica Harvey

Chair & Vice President
Jess has been involved with the charity for over 14 years and we are thrilled to have her back as Chair and Vice President.

Steve O'Neill

Vice Chair & Treasurer

Having supported the charity for many years, we are delighted that Steve has now taken the position of Vice Chair and Treasurer.

Jan Reynolds MBE

Jan has been a huge supporter of the charity for many many years and was instrumental in ensuring we had solid foundations on which to build and grow the charity.

Charity Ethos

Improving Lives

Bristol Children's Charity strives to improve the lives of local children less fortunate than ourselves. We provide funding for such things as learning aids or even simple basic necessities for their homes.

Funding Freedom

There are a multitude of ways that we can help a child in need and all requests for funding are given the full consideration of our Appeals Committee.

Providing Goods

We provide many different things:

  • Learning Equipment
  • Equipment for Disabled People
  • Furniture and White Goods
  • School Uniforms

People Who Have Helped

So many people help us in so many different ways. Please send us any information and images of any fundraising event you have held for us and we will add it to our News page. Here are just a few for you to cast your eye over.

Make Bristol Children's Charity your company's charity of choice.

Please email the Chair to arrange a meeting.